Adding a storage space of a contract

Adding a storage space of a contract

In the optional section called "Storage Locations," you can find an overview of all storage locations. A storage location is where the physical document is archived.

Adding a Storage Location

By adding a storage location, you can specify during the registration of a contract where the physical document is archived. You can also edit a storage location by clicking on the pencil icon at the end of the row. This allows you to modify the name of a storage location. The new name will automatically appear for all contracts registered with that storage location.

To create a new storage location, click on the "Add" button at the top of the storage location overview.

First, provide the name of the physical storage location. For example, "Filing Cabinet, Drawer A." After clicking "Save," the storage location can be immediately selected when registering the contract.

If you mark a storage location as "Passive," it can no longer be chosen when registering contracts. However, the storage location will remain visible for contracts that have been registered with it.

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