Adding custom fields

Adding custom fields

It is possible to create custom fields in Spend Cloud. These custom fields are visible when registering contracts. For example, you can add 'License Plate' as a free field, so that you can register the license plate of the car for a lease contract.

For each custom field, you can set which type of contract this field should be available for. It will only be shown when, for instance, the type 'Lease Contract' is selected.

Adding custom fields:

To add a custom field, navigate to Application Management / Contract Management / Free Fields. Then, by clicking 'Add' at the top of the overview, you can add a new free field:

Next, fill in at least the required fields (identified by the asterisk).

  1. At the 'Type of field,' you can indicate what field type should be filled in. When selecting the type 'Options' or 'Multiple options list', after saving from the overview, you need to click on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the row of the custom field to specify the field values. At the bottom of this page, you will see the table 'Field values.' Click on the plus icon here.
  1. By setting 'Required' to 'Yes,' the field becomes mandatory to fill in. Please note that if you set this option to 'Yes' for a custom field that was created earlier, it may affect the previously added contracts, as this field will also need to be mandatory for those contracts retroactively.
  1. By making a selection in the 'Contract type' field, you can determine for which contract type the custom field will be displayed. If a different contract type is chosen during the registration of a contract, this field will not be displayed.
  1. You can add additional information about the field in the information text. This information will be shown in an info balloon next to the field when registering a contract. For example, you can provide employees with information about when or how to fill in the custom field.
  1. By setting 'Show in selection' to 'Yes,' the field will also be visible as a selection field for searching in the archive. Employees can then generate an overview based on the custom field.
  1. By setting 'Show in overview' to 'Yes,' the field will also be visible as a column in the archive. This way, you can quickly see from the overview what field value is filled in for that custom field. If you use multiple custom fields, it is advisable not to set this option to 'Yes' everywhere, as it may result in many columns appearing in the archive.
Note: If you have chosen 'Options' or 'Multiple options list' for 'Type of field,' after saving from the overview, you need to click on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the row of the custom field to specify the field values. At the bottom of this page, you will see the table 'Field values.' Click on the plus icon here to add the field values.

Sorting free fields:

By clicking on 'Sorting' at the top of the overview of custom fields, you can specify the order in which the custom fields should be displayed. If there are multiple custom fields shown, for example, during registration, Spend Cloud will follow the set order. You can change the order by selecting the arrows behind the custom field.

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