Adding or editing employees

Adding or editing employees

In ‘Employees’, you can manage your organisation’s workforce. Depending on your settings, this information may be updated automatically via automatic imports, or you may have to edit/create it manually.

Employees overview

From the overview you can view, delete, and edit employee details. By default, the overview is sorted by the surnames of the employees. 

Clicking on Absence at the top of the employee overview will show you a list of employees who have set their status to absent. You can also export this overview if you wish. 

Blocked employees
In this overview, you will find a list of all employees who are no longer able to log in after entering the wrong password. If an employee enters the wrong password, they will be blocked for 15 minutes. You can unblock employees by clicking the lock icon. 

Import employees
Here, you can import a list of employees. The to be imported document should have a specific layout. Click ‘Show field layout’ to view this layout.

Adding employees

You can add a new employee by clicking ‘Add’ at the top of the overview. Please note! If your organisation uses an automatic import, manually added data may be overwritten. In that case, the best thing to do is update details via the external employee file. 

When adding multiple employees, it is best to import them via ‘Import employees’. 

Fill in all mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk). You do not have to fill in a password, as employees can set their own when they log in for the first time. Click ‘Save’ at the top of the page to add the employee. You will now be directed to a page where you can immediately assign a role to the new employee.

This role can be based on a role profile or on a set of rights. For the ‘Role profile’ route, select an organisational unit and click ‘Save’. For the rights option, click ‘Continue’. You will have to go through several steps to set the new employee’s authorisations. Once these have been set up, the role will have been created and you will be redirected to the employee overview.

Now that the employee’s authorisations have been defined, they can log in and perform their tasks.

Setting absences for employees

Clicking an employee from the employee overview lets you edit the details of that employee. You can also set employees’ status to absent, e.g. when they are ill. 

When you change the ‘Present’ field to ‘No’, extra fields will appear, which you can use to indicate the replacement for the employee in question. After saving, all rights and outstanding actions will be transferred to the selected replacement. You do not have to specify an end date for an employee’s period of absence.
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