Adding templates

Adding templates

A template allows you to "pre-code" an invoice. In a template, you define several standard values for a specific invoice type. When you select this template during coding, all the registered fields are automatically filled in. This allows you to quickly and easily code recurring invoices. In the "Templates" section of the menu, you can view, edit, copy, delete, and add all created templates.

Creating a template can be handy when you receive a similar invoice periodically, for example, from a janitorial company for an office building.

You can add a template in multiple places within Spend Cloud:

  1. From the "Relations" Menu
Here you have the option to add a template for a specific relation. To do this, navigate to Application Management /General / Relations menu. In the overview, click on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the desired relation's row. On this "Details" page, you'll see a section at the bottom called "Templates." Click the '+' to create a template.

  1. During Invoice Coding
While you are coding an invoice, you can create a template based on the entered coding. To do this, select the option "Add as Template" during coding.

  1. From the "Templates" Menu
Navigate to Application Management, Invoice Processing, and then Templates. From this overview, you can manage templates and add a new one.

Adding a Template

At the top of the templates overview, click on the "Add" button.

If you work with multiple administrations, first choose the administration for which you want to create this template.

When creating a template, you must first choose how the total amount of the invoice will be distributed across the invoice lines. If you want to enter a specific amount for each invoice line, choose "Fixed amounts." If you want Spend Cloud to automatically calculate the amount for each invoice line based on a percentage of the total amount, choose "Variable amounts."

After clicking "Continue," you can compile the template's data. All the data you register here will be displayed during coding when you select this template. Fields that are left blank in the template can still be filled in during coding. The fields filled in by the template can also be modified during coding.

  1. Description
Provide a clear description for the template so that you can easily distinguish between different templates during coding.

  1. Creditor
By entering a creditor here, the template will only be available if this creditor is selected during invoice coding. If you don't select a creditor, the template will always be available.

  1. Total Amount
If you chose "Fixed amounts," you can enter a "Total Amount" at the top and in each invoice line. This exact amount will then be copied during invoice coding.

  1. Percentage
If you chose "Variable amounts," you can specify the desired "Percentage" in each invoice line. Spend Cloud will calculate the amount in the invoice line based on the percentage of the total amount. If you're registering only one invoice line, you can enter 100% here. When setting up multiple invoice lines, the total should add up to 100%.

  1. Add Invoice Lines
You can build a template from multiple invoice lines by selecting "Add Invoice Line" at the top of the page.

After filling in at least all the mandatory data, click "Save" at the top when you're done. You can now use the template right away.

Setting a Template as Default for a Relation

When you navigate to Application Management / General / Relations menu, you can edit a relation by clicking on the pencil icon. Here, you'll find several settings for the Invoice Processing module. You can set a default template here:

The selected template will be automatically applied to invoices that are recognized for this creditor.

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