Assess a period

Assess a period

Depending on the settings, the employee responsible for the book needs to assess a period after it's closed. When a period is closed by an application manager, it doesn't require assessment. The period proceeds directly for further processing.

If you need to assess a period, you'll receive a notification email. You can access the "Assessment" section from your dashboard through the "Actions" block or navigate to Cash & Card / Assess.

In the Assessment overview, you'll see all the periods ready to be assessed. Click on the row to assess it.

Periods for assessment must always be assessed from oldest to newest. If you're attempting to assess a period and the hammer icon is grayed out, an older period must be assessed first.

(Dis)approving a period

By clicking the magnifying glass icon on the right side of a row, you can view the booking details in detail. In the yellow label under the period overview, you'll see "Assess". Here, you can indicate whether you want to approve or disapprove the period. If you select "Approve", the period is sent to the financial administration for further processing. If you select "Disapprove", you need to provide an explanation for why you're disapproving the period.

If you disapprove a period, a remark must be given. Try to provide a clear reason for disapproving the period. This way, your colleague knows what needs to be adjusted. After disapproval, the period is reopened, and the respective employee receives a notification to make the necessary adjustments to the period. The reason for disapproval is displayed below the booking overview, so the employee knows why the period was disapproved. After the adjustments, the period is presented to you again for assessment.

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