Assess an invoice in the app

Assess an invoice in the app

When you're logged into the app, you'll land on your personal dashboard. Here, the five most recently submitted invoices are displayed.

If your organization also uses other modules, there will be multiple actions to perform on the dashboard.

The dashboard presents several details about the invoice, such as the creditor, amount, date, and status of the invoice. By clicking on an invoice, you can directly assess it.

Assessing Invoices

From the dashboard, you can directly assess an invoice. However, only five invoices are displayed on the dashboard. If you want to see an overview of all invoices, you can navigate to the 'Assess' section at the bottom of the screen: 

Here, you can select an invoice to assess. After selecting an invoice, you can assess it on the following page.

At the top, you'll see the creditor and the administration. Icons below display the date and the amount. By selecting the PDF icon, you can open the invoice scan:

Under 'Invoice Lines', you'll find the invoice line(s) that need to be assessed. By selecting a line, a pop-up with more information will appear. Here, you'll find the general ledger account, cost center, and the status of the invoice. The status indicates whether you are the one responsible for assessing the line or if someone else needs to do it. Clicking outside this view will close the pop-up.

Under the 'Other Invoice Lines' heading, you'll find additional lines related to the invoice that don't require your assessment. These invoice lines are only displayed for informational purposes.

Once you've reviewed all the information, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to approve or disapprove the invoice lines. Your decision applies to all invoice lines. So, if there are multiple lines to review, you'll either approve or disapprove all of them together.

If you click 'Disapprove', you'll need to provide the reason for rejection in the pop-up. The invoice will then be removed from your overview and sent back to the financial administration for necessary adjustments. Choosing 'Approve' will forward the invoice to the next approval holder or back to the financial administration for further processing.

Assessing the invoice completes the action.

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