Assess orders

Assess orders

In Orders, you will find an overview of all orders that you have processed or still have to process. Click on an order line to perform any outstanding actions for that order. You can also sort orders by outstanding actions, on the left of the overview. You can also assess orders in our app.

You can assess orders with the status ‘Pending’ from the overview by clicking on the line or the hammer icon at the end of the line. 

You can assess all order lines at the same time by making a selection at the top, or you can assess individual order lines. You can choose between the following options:

    • Approve
If you are authorised, the request will be immediately converted into an order. Otherwise, it will be forwarded to the next reviewer. 

    • Disapprove
If you choose this option, you have to give an explanation. The order will be returned to the requester. 

    • On hold
You can choose this option if you want to assess the order later, e.g. if you have some further research to do first. 

An order request cannot be converted into an order until all order lines have been approved. 

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