Batch close

Batch close

To close all books within a period at the same time, select the period (s) you want to close in the Batch close menu. Then click on the 'Close' button to close the books within the selected period (s).

Batch close is a configuration setting. If you do not see this menu item and are interested, please contact our support department.

If books cannot be closed, for example because not all bookings are fully encoded, an error message is displayed with an explanation of the cause.

The Batch close function can only be used by module owners of the Cash & Card module. This also means that any cash count and assessment of the books are skipped and the books can be exported immediately.


By default, all types of books to close are displayed. If you only want to close a specific type of book, passbooks for example, you first make a selection in the 'Type of book' field. Select 'Cardbook' here and click on the 'Select' button. You will now only see the period (s) with cardbooks to be closed.

If you use client cardbooks and only want to close the cardbooks that are linked to one client, make a selection on 'Client' in the 'Type of cardbook' field. Now only the client cardbooks are closed.

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