

Within the Spend Cloud, books of various types can be defined. Depending on your organization, the most suitable type of books will be determined together with your consultant. Below is a brief overview of the options:

Bank Book

The bank book is a ledger in which all expenses and income associated with a particular bank account are recorded. It also shows the current balance of the bank account.

Cash Book

A cash book records cash transactions. This often involves cash. When a transaction is added, it works just like with passbooks.

Pass Book

In a pass book, you can see all transactions made with a card. All entries must be coded before the pass book can be submitted for review to the cash responsible person. It is also possible to register cash expenses in combination with bunq.

Mutation Book

A mutation book is used to record changes that do not involve financial transactions. This action is recorded for completeness. Examples include actions such as a client having their laundry done but not having to pay for it. These costs are not incurred with a card but must still appear in the financial package because they need to be included on the client invoice.