Confirmation of contract registration

Confirmation of contract registration

During the registration of a contract, the terms and conditions of the contract are added to Spend Cloud. Depending on the settings, the registration must be confirmed by the contract owner before the contract is activated in Spend Cloud. If this is the case, the contract will be displayed with the status "To be confirmed" in your action overview.

Please note that this action only activates the contract within Spend Cloud. The actual activation of the contract with the counterparty occurs outside of Spend Cloud.
Confirming a contract registration

As the contract owner, you can review and confirm a contract registration by following these steps:
  1. Verify all the details and assess whether the contract registration is accurate. Also, check the action date, which is the date when Spend Cloud will send a notification to you as the contract owner to determine whether the contract should be renewed or terminated.
  2. Scroll to the highlighted section in the contract period and click "Confirm Registration" if the registration is approved or rejected. If you approve the contract, it will be activated, and any contract stakeholders will be notified. If you reject the contract, provide a reason for rejection, and the contract will be returned to the contract administration to make the necessary changes.
  3. Optionally, you can put the contract on hold temporarily. You will need to provide a reason and perform the action at a later time.
  4. If you want to add a file and/or a note to the contract, you can check these options. After saving the confirmation, you can add these files.
  5. Click "Save." The saved contract can be found in the Archive.

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