Cost types

Cost types

Cost types help make ledgers more specific. Ledgers can also be split up into multiple cost types cost types can be linked to one or more books. When posting an entry, employees will see the name of the cost type in question and, depending on the book settings, the corresponding ledger. Specifying ledgers and cost types makes it easier to select the right ledger and cost type while encoding entries. 

Adding cost types

You can add new cost types by clicking ‘Add’ at the top of the overview. 

With ‘Type’, you can define the type of entries posted to this cost type. Choose 'default' for regular income/cost bookings. Non-standard cost types can only occur once per administration. 

We recommend giving cost types as specific a name as possible, as this makes it clear to users which cost type they should select when encoding entries. The name of an cost type may consist of several words. 

If you set ‘Invoice write off’ to procurement or sale, you must specify a debtor, creditor, and invoice number to make an entry. Otherwise, select ‘Inapplicable’. 

In the remark field, you can add extra information, which users will see when selecting this cost type to encode an entry. 

When you have filled in all mandatory fields (*), you can click ‘Save’ at the top of the screen. On the next page, you can link your newly created cost type to the relevant books. 

Select the books in question by ticking the boxes in front of the books. At the top you can click 'Save' again. After an cost type has been linked to a book, it will be possible to select it straight away. 

Linking books

After creating a new cost type, you can link it to books on the next page. If you skipped this step or want to link a different book later, you can do this from the overview. Click the three dots in the cost type line and select ‘Link books’. Tick the boxes in front of the books to link them.

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