

For the Cash & Card, Invoice Processing, and Procurement modules, you can add countries via Application Management / General / Countries.

Why is adding countries important?

The countries you add in this menu can be selected when editing card settings. This way, you can determine in which country a card may be used. For the Invoice Processing module, you can select or import a country per relation, enabling the setup of country-specific text recognition. In the Procurement module, you can add countries to indicate the location of a supplier, which will then also be noted on the order.

Adding a country

At the top of the overview, you can click 'Add'. A country code and the name of the country are mandatory fields. It's crucial to provide the correct country code, consisting of two letters. You can find a list of official country codes, for instance, here. Additionally, you can specify whether this country should be set as the default and for which modules this country should be active.

Worldwide coverage for online payments by default

Online payments with a Spend Cloud Card always come with worldwide coverage by default. This means that payments can be made in all countries without the need to manually adjust country settings. Note that this change applies only to online payments and does not affect physical transactions with the Spend Cloud Card.

It is crucial to emphasise that the security of online payments is not compromised. We continue to use 3D Secure (3DS) to ensure your payments remain optimally protected.

For security reasons, it is not possible to execute online payments in the following countries:

- Afghanistan
- Cuba
- Iran
- North Korea
- Myanmar
- South Sudan
- Syria

This list is subject to change depending on the security situation.
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