Doing a cash count in the app

Doing a cash count in the app

When closing a period of a cash book, it may be mandatory to do a cash count.

You can navigate to the periods as follows:
  1. Tap the overview at the bottom of the menu
  2. Choose "Books" in the overview
  3. Select the cash book for which you want to close a period
  4. At the top right of the screen are three dots, tap them
  5. "Periods" will appear at the bottom of the screen, tap this
  6. Choose the period you want to close. This can be recognized by the label "Action required"
  7. If you are in the correct cash book in the period you want to close, you can tap "Close this period" at the bottom of the screen. You will be notified that a cash count is required. Click "continue" when you are ready to do the cash count.
You can now indicate per unit how much of it you have. After you have entered the correct quantities, select "Save" at the top right.

If there is no difference, you can close the period by selecting "Close period" in the pop-up.

When there is a difference, you will be notified that a cash difference entry is being created. If this difference is correct, choose "Continue". Complete the cash difference entry with a description and any other mandatory fields. Select "Save" in the top right corner and confirm the cash difference booking with "Close period".

The period is closed and has therefore disappeared from the overview of open periods.

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