Encoding entries in the app

Encoding entries in the app

When you log in to the Spend Cloud App, you will arrive at your personal dashboard. At the top of the app's dashboard, you will see the cards for which your organization has registered you as the cardholder. These can be bunq cards or Spend Cloud Cards, depending on the choices made by your organization. The card displays the budget you can spend that day.

Below your card(s) are the most recent transactions that still need to be accounted for. You can tap on transactions with the status 'To be coded' directly from the dashboard to edit them.

If your organization also uses other modules, there will be multiple actions to be taken on the dashboard.

Finding entries

From your dashboard, you have the option to code an entry directly. However, only the five newest entries are displayed on the dashboard.

Seeing your entries

You can click on the three lines at the bottom right to navigate to the 'Books' menu. Here, you can select the desired book and view all associated bookings.

Encoding entries

Entries marked with a blue dot are those that still need to be coded. Once the booking is fully provided with all financial details, this dot will turn gray, indicating no further action is needed on the booking. In this overview, you can also see if an attachment has been added to the booking. If so, a paperclip icon will be displayed next to the amount.

After selecting a booking, you can code it on the following page.

At the top, you have the option to add multiple images, such as a photo of a receipt. By selecting the camera icon, you can either take a photo or choose an existing image from your gallery. If the selected photo isn't satisfactory, you can reselect the image after saving and add a new photo. 

If you add multiple attachments, they will be bundled into a single PDF file.

Below the image, you'll find some static data such as the book name, booking date, and amount. These details cannot be modified.

Below that, you can proceed with encoding. Here, you can provide a description and specify details like the expense type and cost center where the entry should be allocated. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. After completing the entire encoding process, click 'Save' at the top right of the page. The entry will be coded, completing the action.

Unlike the web version, in the app, you can save an entry even if not all mandatory fields are filled in. This allows you to attach a receipt to an entry and complete the actual coding at a later time. However, ensure encoding is completed before a period is closed. If there are entries in a period that are not fully coded, that period cannot be closed.

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