When creating an expense claim, the user needs to choose an expense claim type. In the Application Management / Expense claim / Types menu, you determine the types the user can choose from. By clicking the 'Add' button at the top of this menu, you can create a new expense claim type. Fill in the mandatory fields, indicated by the asterisk. Then, you can select 'Save' at the top. The new expense claim type can be immediately selected when creating a new expense claim (provided it's active from today's date, as mentioned in the 'Active From / Active To' section in this article).
Settings within a type
Most settings within an expense claim type will be self-explanatory, but for a few options, it might be less clear. Here's a list of things you, as an application administrator, can determine within an expense claim type.
In this field, you can specify the unit in which expenses can be claimed when selecting this type. You need to add a unit first in the menu Application Management / Expense claim / Units. Examples of units are 'Hour', 'Day', or 'Piece'. Then you can select the unit when creating the expense claim type.
Input Value
If you want to create a type specifically for travel expenses, choose 'Quantities' for the input value. If desired, you can indicate at 'Correction Quantity' that claims can only be made from a certain number of kilometers. Enter the reimbursement per kilometer at 'Rate', for example, € 0.19. Select 'Yes' for 'Address Input' if the claimant needs to specify from and to which address travel expenses are being claimed. If desired, Spend Cloud will automatically calculate the distance for the employee.
When the claimant enters the from and to addresses, this route is entered in the background (invisible) into Google Maps. Google always calculates two routes: the fastest (avoiding traffic jams and/or roadworks), or the shortest route (based solely on the number of meters, regardless of potential traffic jams). One of these calculations is chosen as the default in your Spend Cloud. Contact the Support department if you want to change this setting.
Active from / Active until
In these fields, you determine from and until when the expense claim type can be selected. If the chosen date for a claim falls outside the set dates, a notification will appear when saving the claim that the type cannot be chosen on that date. The claimant will then have to select a different expense claim type.
Reviewed by
In the role overview, you determine the authorization scheme for the Expense Claims module. By default, an expense claim follows the authorization set here. However, with the 'Reviewed by' setting in the expense claim type, you can determine that all claims of this type follow a different scheme. Choose 'Different' and then an organizational unit. The claim will follow the authorization scheme of this organizational unit.
Input Value
If you want to create a type specifically for travel expenses, choose 'Quantities' for the input value. If desired, you can indicate at 'Correction Quantity' that claims can only be made from a certain number of kilometers. Enter the reimbursement per kilometer at 'Rate', for example, € 0.19. Select 'Yes' for 'Address Input' if the claimant needs to specify from and to which address travel expenses are being claimed. Spend Cloud will automatically calculate the distance for the employee if you choose this option.
If there are other settings in the expense claim type that you're unsure about, please contact the Support department or ask the respective consultant (in the case of an implementation project).
More Options
When you go to the menu Application Management / Expense claim / Types, you'll see a button with three dots ('More Options') at the end of each expense claim type. Here you can link the desired organizational units to the type (note: this option might be disabled for your organization). Only users with an expense claim role on a linked organizational unit can choose this type. You'll also see the options 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' under these three dots. This allows you to move a type higher or lower in the list. This can be useful if you manage many types and need to edit one type more frequently than others.