Generate an Audit report

Generate an Audit report

In the menu section Analysis / Audit, you can find audit information. If you don't see this menu, please check whether it has been added to your permission set.

Available Reports

Currently, the following reports are available:
  1. Audit Report
Mazars Management Consultants has validated the following reports for Visma | ProActive. The document substantiates that the reports align with the information in the system.
  1. Role History
In the export file, you will find an overview of all current roles, including any changes that have occurred within the selected period. The overview displays employees with their rights and role options per organizational unit. For each role, you can track who created and modified the role. The "Status" column indicates whether a user has access to Spend Cloud, and "Last logged in" indicates the most recent login date. The "Historical role" column indicates whether a role is no longer in use. This could be due to the role being deleted or modified. When a role is modified, the original role is deleted, and a new one is created.
  1. Approval of Invoices
In the export file, you will find all approvals that have taken place on the invoice lines within the selected invoice date range. This will show which employee(s) have approved a line and who has submitted it. In cases of automatic approval based on purchase orders, contracts, or obligations, relevant information will be displayed. Additionally, all relevant coding information, such as supplier details and specifications, related to the invoice and invoice lines, will be included. The overview also displays information about the invoice status, indicating whether the invoice has been exported to the financial system or has been definitively rejected.
  1. Approval of Purchase Orders
In the export file, you will find all order lines of orders that have been placed within the specified date range. The overview displays which employee(s) approved a line and who submitted it. Additionally, you will find information about the order and order line - such as supplier information and the coding for specifications - as well as linked invoices and whether the invoices were automatically approved based on the order.
  1. Cash & Card Balances
This file contains an overview of the starting and ending balances of all books within the Cash & Card module. Based on the selected period, you will also see the amount of outstanding advances and cash withdrawals. This report has also been included in the "Audit Report" by Mazars Management Consultants.

Generate an audit report

You can generate an audit report by clicking on the 'Add' button. Choose the 'Administration' for which you want to generate the report. Next, select the period by specifying a start date and an end date. Optionally, you can also indicate the starting period for the 'Cash'. Finally, click on 'Save'. The audit report will now be generated. Depending on the length of the chosen period, this may take longer.

Once the report is generated, a green notification will appear above the overview.

You can now find the report in the list. By clicking on the row or the download icon at the end of the row, you can download the report. All the information will be compressed into a zip file and downloaded to your computer. From there, you can view the above-mentioned reports.

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