Help! An error message when exporting invoices to Exact Online
Are you using a webservice and are you unable to export an invoice to the Exact Online financial package? Then this can have various causes.
The cause may be translated into an error message that you can see in the export report. We get this error message back from the financial package and it indicates why it was not possible to export the invoice. Unfortunately, this error message often does not clearly indicate what needs to be done in order to get the invoice exported.
In this article we have collected a number of error messages with a possible explanation and what you can do to solve the problem.
Exact Online Webservice
- Error message: GLTransaction Periode is afgesloten // GLTransaction Period is closed
Possible cause: The invoice falls within a period that has been closed. This can be a period in the past or in the future (when using period dividing)
Possible solution: Make sure you export the invoice to an open invoice in Exact Online.
- Error message: GLTransaction: Onderwerp [GLTransactions] De boeking is niet in evenwicht op: 2022 / 4 (Type: Inkoopboeking) - Verschil: EUR -0,01 // GLTransaction: Subject [GLTransactions] is out of balance on: 2022 / 4 (Type: purchase booking) - difference: EUR -0,01
Possible cause: Possible cause: There are several possible causes, including:
- Cause 1: Exact also calculates VAT for the invoice lines and arrives at a difference between the total sum of the lines and the VAT in the header of the invoice.
- Cause 2: The VAT code is not correct in combination with a foreign currency. This invoice was booked with VAT, but VAT should not be booked in Exact for invoices with a foreign currency.
Possible solution:
- Solution 1: In Exact Online, you can set up a general ledger account for calculation differences. You can do this via [Company name > Settings > Financial tab > Calculation differences]. The calculation difference of 0.01 will then be booked to the specified general ledger account.
- Solution 2: Check within Exact what is allowed for this creditor and general ledger to be booked with the chosen VAT codes in combination with a foreign currency. For example, it may be that Exact calculates the VAT itself, causing a difference. The solution could be to not book VAT in Spend Cloud or to adjust this setting in Exact so that it accounts for the invoices being exported with VAT.
- Error Message: GLTransaction: subject [GLTransactions] invalid reference: payment condition
Possible cause: The chosen payment reference is not allowed in combination with the chosen creditor, does not exist, or does not exist within the correct administration.
Possible solution: Check within the administration where the invoice is being booked to see if it exists, if the code in Exact matches the code in Spend Cloud, and if it is allowed to use the code in combination with the chosen creditor.
- Error Message: The file you are trying to upload is too large
Possible cause: The invoice PDF is too large
- Error Message: GLTransaction: The entry is out of balance on: 01-12-2022 (Type: Cash flow) - Difference: EUR-6,657.29
Possible cause: They are likely trying to export a Cash Book to a journal of type "cash book."
Possible solution: The journal should be of type "memorial/general" within Exact Online. If they make that adjustment, exporting should work correctly.
- Error Message: 012412345 - We have not received a response or cannot determine from the response that the invoice was processed correctly. Please check the transaction number in the financial package and re-export it if necessary.
Possible cause: The access token on which the connection between Spend Cloud and Exact Online is based is no longer valid.
Possible solution: A new access token needs to be retrieved. In
this article, you will read how to do this.
- Error Message: 012412345 - Account: Update not allowed (topic = 'Account')
Possible cause: The user account in Exact which retrieved the latest access token has insufficient rights within (this specific administration in) Exact.
Possible solution: A new access token needs to be retrieved. In
this article, you will read how to do this.
- Error Message: 012412345 - Document: Creation not allowed (topic = 'Document')
Possible cause: The user account in Exact which retrieved the latest access token has insufficient rights within (this specific administration in) Exact.
Possible solution: A new access token needs to be retrieved. In
this article, you will read how to do this.
- Error Message: 012412345 - Project: Update not allowed (topic = 'Project')"
Possible cause: The user account in Exact which retrieved the latest access token has insufficient rights within (this specific administration in) Exact.
Possible solution: A new access token needs to be retrieved. In this article, you will read how to do this.
- Error message: GLTransaction: Topic [GLTransactions] Already Exists - Entry number: XXXXX, Journal XXXXX, Financial year. XXXX
Possible cause: The invoice in question is already present in Exact.
Possible solution: Check if the invoice exists in Exact. If it does, mark the invoice as "exported" in the Export section.
- Error message: 01241345 - GLTransaction: Topic [GLTransactions] Can't determine exchange rate for currency: XXX on date: XXXX-XX-XX
Possible cause: A setting for variable exchange rates in the journal has been disabled.
Possible solution: A setting for variable exchange rates in the journal has been disabled. The setting needs to be enabled.
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