Help! An error when exporting a book to Exact Financials

Help! An error when exporting a book to Exact Financials

Using a Web Service and Unable to Export a Book to the Financial Package Exact Financials? If you are having trouble exporting a book to the financial package Exact Financials using a web service, there could be various causes.

The cause might be translated into an error message that you can see in the export report. This error message is returned by the financial package and indicates why the book could not be exported. Unfortunately, this error message often does not clearly indicate what needs to be done to successfully export the book.

In this article, we have collected a number of error messages with possible explanations and what you can do to solve the problem.

Exact Financials Web Service

  1. Error Message: 07-2024.Cardbook Location X - Cost Center '12345': Does Not Exist
Possible Cause: The selected cost center does not exist or is not active in Exact.
Possible Solution: Create the cost center in Exact or activate it.

  1. Error Message: Date: Invalid Value: 05/01/2024 (Period Date Table: 2024/6)
Possible Cause: This is a warning that Exact gives for mutation dates that differ from the period.
Possible Solution: You can disable this message in the administration settings within Exact.

  1. Error Message: 01-2024.12345 Book Cash & Card - Journal Type '123: Memorial': Invalid Value
Possible Cause: A wrong memorial journal is chosen for this book in Exact.
Possible Solution: Connect the correct memorial journal to the book in Exact.

  1. Error Message: 01-2024.KAS123 Cash Prevention - End Balance: Journal Currency: Must Be Greater Than or Equal to '0.00'
Possible Cause: The ending balance in the journal currency is negative or incorrectly set.
PossibleSolution: Adjust the transaction amounts so that the ending balance is non-negative. Review the journal entries in Exact for any discrepancies.

  1. Error Message: 01-2024.Description Book Cash & Card - Period 2024/01: This Period is Closed
Possible Cause: The period you are trying to export is closed in Exact.
Possible Solution: Adjust the period using period adjustment when exporting to the next open period in Exact, or reopen the period in Exact.

  1. Error Message: 01-2024.Description Cardbook - Ledger Account/Cost Center: Cannot Be Empty
Possible Cause: At least one of the bookings does not have a cost type/cost center filled in.
Possible Solution: Ensure that a cost type/cost center is filled in for all bookings, or configure Exact to not require a cost type/cost center.

  1. Error Message: [Book Number] - Looks Like We Got No XML Document
Possible Cause: This message is displayed when we do not receive a valid response from the web service. Check if the book is in Exact.
Possible Solution: If the book is in Exact, you can contact the support department, and we will ensure that the bookings are marked as exported. If the book is not in Exact, you can download the export file for this export using the "Export Files" button (3 dots, download zipped XML files). Open the file containing 'response', which often provides a specific error message as to why the book could not be exported.

  1. Error Message: Error in SOAP Request Execution: Java Heap Space (10926)
Possible Cause: The server where Exact is installed has run out of memory, preventing the action from being executed.
Possible Solution: The memory needs to be increased. Contact the system administrators of your organization for assistance.

  1. Error Message: An Error Was Detected While Executing the Web Service Request. (10893)
Possible Cause 1: One possible cause of this error message is that a number of web service processes are stuck in the Exact environment.
Possible Cause 2: Another possible cause is that the web service is not working at all because the web service configuration in Exact is set to disabled.
Possible Solution 1: The first cause can be resolved by setting the "Keepalive-time" to "infinite" for Tomcat on the Exact server. This issue may be caused by the heap size of the Java process not being allocated enough memory. This can be adjusted in Tomcat.
Possible Solution 2: A possible solution for the second cause is to enable the web service configuration in Exact.

  1. Error Message: 06-2024 Cardbook - Cost Center '7890': Not Linked (Ledger Account: '4400')
Possible Cause: The selected cost center in at least one of the bookings is not active or is not linked to the ledger account within the same booking.
Possible Solution: Check in Exact whether the selected cost center is active and linked to the ledger account.
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