How can I receive and proces Peppol invoices?

How can I receive and proces Peppol invoices?

Pan-European Public Procurement OnLine (PEPPOL) is an international project with the aim of standardizing international electronic messaging. Within the secure PEPPOL network, you can send and receive electronic invoices. Electronic invoices include formats like UBL and XML.

Connecting to the PEPPOL Network
Companies and government institutions can connect to the network after their organization is verified. Following this verification, a PEPPOL ID is created. This PEPPOL ID allows companies and governments to identify each other within the PEPPOL network.

A PEPPOL ID consists of a unique ID number based on a Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number, VAT number, or Government Identification Number (OIN) of the respective organization. Thanks to these ID numbers, known as identifiers, there are no misunderstandings about the senders and recipients.

ProActive and Storecove
It is only possible to send and receive e-invoices through 'PEPPOL Access Points.' These access points also provide PEPPOL IDs to new users. Storecove is one such PEPPOL Access Point. Our software is connected to the PEPPOL network via Storecove. With this integration, our customers using Spend Cloud can create their own PEPPOL ID and receive e-invoices in the Postbox.

Activating PEPPOL

You can create a PEPPOL ID for your organization in the Application Management of Invoice Processing. "Peppol" has been added to the navigation menu. If you do not see the 'Peppol' section in this menu, you may not have the necessary rights for this. An application administrator can add Peppol to your permission set.

Managing rights for Peppol

Navigate to Application Management / Invoice Processing / Peppol. Click 'Add' on this page. Fill in the organization's name, address, and at least one of the requested numbers. It's better to provide multiple numbers for better verification. Invoices will be sent to the correct organization based on the Chamber of Commerce number. After filling in the fields and clicking 'Save,' we will verify the request. Once the request is approved, your organization will be ready to receive PEPPOL invoices. These invoices will automatically arrive in the Postbox.

You can add a PEPPOL ID for another administration at this point if needed.

Please note that you can only create one PEPPOL ID per Chamber of Commerce number. This applies even if the PEPPOL ID was created outside of the Spend Cloud. If you want to receive PEPPOL invoices in the Spend Cloud and you are registered through another organization, you will need to cancel your PEPPOL ID there before activating one via the Spend Cloud.

Processing PEPPOL Invoices

After your organization's PEPPOL ID has been created and verified, you can receive invoices sent via the PEPPOL network. These invoices will arrive in the Spend Cloud's Postbox.

In the Spend Cloud Postbox the PEPPOL invoices are identifiable with the subject 'PEPPOL'. You can then process these invoices in the same way as other invoices received in the Postbox:
  1. Click on the incoming PEPPOL invoice.
  2. Specify the fiscal year and, if necessary, the administration.
  3. The default option for 'File' is usually 'New Invoice.' In most cases, you can process PEPPOL invoices directly this way.
  4. Click 'Save and Process' or, in the case of multiple invoices in the Postbox, 'Process and Next.' Processing the invoice will immediately forward it to the Coding stage.

PEPPOL Suppliers

Via application management you can find the list of suppliers who use PEPPOL under invoice processing / PEPPOL / PEPPOL Suppliers.
Based on that list, you can approach relations to request that they send invoices via PEPPOL from now on.

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