Managing access tokens for connection with financial package in Spend Cloud

Managing access tokens for connection with financial package in Spend Cloud

When you use a web service integration with your financial package, the authorization for this is often based on an access token. An access token is a key that allows your Spend Cloud to communicate with your financial package, specifying what permissions Spend Cloud has within your financial package, such as creating invoices and importing master data. These access tokens often have an expiration date or automatically expire when changes are made in the financial package. In this article, we explain how to use this feature in Spend Cloud.

Not all financial packages use an access token. If you do not see the menu item Financial Package / Webservice Tokens in your environment, this article does not apply to your environment.

Delete access token

In the menu item Application Management / Financial Package / Webservice Tokens, you will see an overview of all access tokens created in your Spend Cloud environment. You will see the type of token and it's current status. If there are multiple connections, you will also see a description of the connection. This only applies if there are integrations with multiple financial packages.

By clicking on the token, you can delete it. When you delete a token, a message with a link will be available for you to click to retrieve a new access token. When you click here, you can log into your financial package. Depending on which package you use, you will need to follow a few steps to retrieve the new token. It is important that the person who clicks the link logs in with an account that has sufficient permissions in the financial package, as the access token is almost always based on the user's permissions in the financial package. If the user does not have sufficient permissions in the financial package or does not have access to all administrations, the token may not be comprehensive enough, and errors may occur during import and export. When this happens, you can now easily delete the token and retrieve it again yourself. If you see an old and/or expired access token from a financial package that is not used anymore you can also delete the token from here.

Note! When you click the link in the message, a token can be retrieved immediately if you are already logged into your financial package. As a result, the token will be based on your permissions in the financial package and may not be sufficient. If you are unsure whether you have sufficient permissions or if a specific account in your financial package is used for this purpose, make sure you log out of your financial package before clicking the link.

It may happen that an access token has not yet expired, but you still receive error messages during import or export. The reason for this may be that the access token stored on our end is no longer valid in the financial package. This happens, for example, when changes are made to the account with which the token was retrieved, or other changes such as new or modified administrations, or changes in the management of master data and possibly additional (free) fields.
We cannot determine from Spend Cloud that the access token has expired for this reason, which is why we do not show the token as expired in this menu item. The token shows as expired when we can determine this based on the expiration date.
To be sure, you can delete the access token and retrieve a new one to ensure the access token is up-to-date.

Do you use the financial package Exact Online? Then read this article for more information on how to retrieve an access token for the connection with Exact.

If you still receive error messages after retrieving a new access token and you are sure the token was retrieved with an account that has sufficient permissions within Spend Cloud, please contact our support department.

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