Managing cash count units

Managing cash count units

When closing a period, in the case of using cash, a cash count may need to be done. In the menu Application Management / Cash & Cards / Cash Counting Units, you can create fields for other units such as vouchers, coin rolls, and safe cash, in addition to the cash, so that they can also be filled in during the cash count.

Adding a unit

By clicking on 'Add' at the top of the overview, you can add a new field to the cash count. This can be a field for a unit with a fixed value or a field where the cash employee enters the total value themselves. If you choose 'Amount per unit', you can, for example, create fields for coin rolls and gift vouchers with a fixed value. A cash employee can then enter the quantity of coin rolls and vouchers, after which Spend Cloud will calculate the corresponding total. If you choose 'Free entry', a cash employee must calculate the total for the entered unit themselves.

From the overview, you can view, edit, or delete the units.

Example of a cash count unit

An example of a cash count unit that can be added by the application administrator:

For the cash employees performing a cash count, it will look like this:

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