Managing the mailbox

Managing the mailbox

The Inbox contains all emails that have been sent to the Spend Cloud Mailbox email address. By having suppliers send invoices to this email address, all invoices are consolidated in one place. From application management, you have the ability to optimize the Mailbox process. You can configure specific email addresses to expedite the email processing.

Automatically Processing Emails

Incoming invoices through the mailbox need to be reviewed, assigned to an administration, and then forwarded to the Coding section. To expedite this process, you can register email addresses as 'Receipt Email Address' or 'Sender Email Address'.

If you set a 'Receipt Email Address,' invoices in the mailbox that are sent to this email address will automatically be assigned an administration. By setting a 'Sender Email Address,' emails sent from this email address will be automatically processed and the invoices will be sent directly to the Coding section.

In the Mailbox overview (in Application Management), all email addresses with automatic processing enabled are listed. From this overview, you have the ability to view settings, remove an email address from the list, edit details, and deactivate automatic processing. Deactivating the email address prevents emails from or to that address from being automatically processed. You can do this for a single email address within the overview, or for multiple email addresses at once by selecting the 'Deactivate' button at the top of the list. Additionally, by selecting the 'Add' button at the top of the overview, you can add a new email address.

If your organization uses multiple administrations, we recommend entering all 'Receipt Email Addresses' first. This way, you can specify for each email address to which administration the invoices should be booked. For example, is assigned to 'Administration 1,' and is assigned to 'Administration 2.' When an invoice arrives at, it is immediately assigned to 'Administration 1.' Now, you enter a 'Sender Email Address,' such as, and you can leave the 'Administration' field blank. If Albert Heijn now sends an invoice from to, the invoice will be assigned 'Administration 1' due to the 'Receipt Email Address,' but will also be automatically processed due to the registration of the 'Sender Email Address.' If Albert Heijn sends an invoice from the same email address, but this time to, the invoice will be automatically assigned 'Administration 2.' This way, it doesn't matter from which email address the supplier sends an email, and the invoice will always be correctly assigned to the appropriate administration.

Adding Email Addresses

To add a new 'Receipt' or 'Sender Email Address,' click on the 'Add' button at the top of the overview.

  1. Receipt Email Address
When you set up a 'Receipt Email Address,' all invoices sent to this email address will automatically be assigned an administration. It doesn't matter which supplier the email is sent from; all emails to, for example,, will automatically be assigned the designated administration. By configuring this, the emails will still appear in the Mailbox, but they will be marked with a red paper airplane icon. This icon indicates that all details have been automatically filled in, and the email can be processed without manual verification, if desired.
  1. At 'Email Processing,' choose 'Administration Assignment.'
  2. Enter the 'Receipt Email Address.'
  3. Select the administration.
  4. At the top, choose 'Save.

  1. Sender Email Address
By setting a 'Sender email address,' invoices sent from this email address can be automatically processed. When a supplier sends an email, Spend Cloud will automatically process the email, assign a document number, and forward the invoice directly to the Encoding section. Unlike emails with a 'Receiver email address' that remain in the Mailbox, these emails will no longer stay in the Mailbox and will go directly to the Encoding section.

When setting a 'Sender email address,' you must be absolutely certain that only invoices are sent from this email address. If even a single piece of spam material is included, it will result in the automatic processing, assignment of a document number, and placement in the Encoding section for the spam content as well.

For registering a sender email address, there are various options available. You can set up a sender email address for a creditor, a scanner, or for XML invoices from Medeco.

Follow the steps below to set up a 'Sender Email Address':

  1. Go to 'Application Management' in the Spend Cloud menu.
  2. Click on 'Mailbox' to access the Mailbox overview.
  3. Under 'Email Processing,' select 'Automatic Processing.'
  4. In the 'Sender' section, choose one of the following options:

  5. Email from Supplier: For all invoices sent from a specific supplier's email address (e.g., Invoices from this email address will be automatically processed.
  6. Emails from Internal Scanner: For invoices sent directly to the Mailbox after scanning. Enter the email address of the scanner to enable automatic processing.

  7. Customer Number for Medeco XML Invoice: If you receive XML invoices from Medeco with a customer/facturant number.
  8. Enter the 'Sender Email Address' or the 'Customer/Facturant Number' as applicable.
  9. Select an administration from the dropdown list.
  10. Spend Cloud will assign the chosen administration to invoices sent from the specified sender email address. It's recommended to leave this field empty and work with a 'Receiver Email Address' instead. The administration entered in the receiver email address will take precedence and override the one entered here.
  11. If your organization works with multiple administrations and you've chosen 'Customer Number for Medeco XML Invoice,' you must register an administration. This is because Medeco uses a different customer/facturant number for each administration.
  12. Once you've filled in the necessary details, click the 'Save' button at the top.

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