Managing the mailbox

Managing the mailbox

If your environment features the option to add multiple administrations, you can manage your Mailbox settings in the Application Management menu of the Contract Management module. For example, you can change your settings to ensure that all contracts in the mailbox that have been sent to a certain email address are automatically assigned to a certain administration. As a result, you will no longer have to manually select administraions when processing emails. 

Adding recipient email addresses

By adding an email address to the mailbox, you can automatically have contracts sent to this email address assigned to a certain Administration. 

To set this up, click ‘Add’ at the top of the overview. Enter the email address to which you want contracts to be sent and select the Administration to which you want to assign these contracts. After clicking 'Save', the setting will be activated immediately. 

You can edit the email address and/or administration later by clicking on the line or the pencil in the line. 

(De)Activating an email address

By selecting multiple addresses in the overview you can activate or deactivate multiple addresses at the same time. 

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