New PDF view when encoding invoices

New PDF view when encoding invoices

When you see an invoice in the 'Coding' menu, you will see a customized version of the PDF, with markings indicating which parts of the invoice have been recognized by the OCR. These are identifiable by the colored boxes on the PDF. In some cases, such as with secured PDFs, this may result in the customized version not being properly constructed and a blank page being displayed during coding.

To resolve this situation, a new display of the PDF is possible. In this display, the markings are not shown, and no (red) journal number is affixed to the PDF. Additionally, the PDF is no longer compressed, and you can now view all pages in the PDF viewer.

In the new display, it is still possible to select text from the PDF. And via copy (Ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v), you can transfer the text from the invoice into the fields. Additionally, we no longer affix the journal number in the corner of the invoice.

This functionality is not yet enabled in all Spend Cloud environments. Would you like to use this feature? Then please contact our support department.

Old View

New view
1. No journal number printed on the PDF - 2. All pages from the PDF can now be viewed in the PDF widget
Select and copy text via the menu under the right mouse button. A quick way to do this is by using the keyboard combinations ctrl C (copy) and ctrl V (paste),

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