Monitor invoice processing progress

Monitor invoice processing progress

To monitor the progress of the invoice processing workflow, Spend Cloud keeps track of the number of invoice lines currently under review by employees. In the 'Progress' menu item, you can access a summary of how many invoice lines are being processed by employees and how long they have been in review. Within this overview, you can apply various criteria to make selections, such as by administration and organizational unit.

Clicking on an employee's name provides an overview of the invoices assigned to them. By clicking on an individual invoice, you can view its details. From this overview, you can also easily send an email to an employee to inquire about pending evaluations.

Progress by Payment Terms

Clicking on this button presents an overview of progress per invoice, categorized by payment terms. This view allows you to observe factors like how many days have elapsed beyond the payment term for specific invoices. Numerous filters are available within this menu item, enabling you to refine your selection of invoices, including criteria like creditor, invoice date, and more. You also have the option to export your overview to a CSV or Excel file for further analysis.

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