Pros of working with smart filters

Pros of working with smart filters

You're already familiar with the advantages of Cash & Card compared to a manual expense process. But have you taken the next step in optimization? Are you using the smart filters of the Cash & Card module? If you're not familiar with them or haven't been using them yet, take a look at the webinar (Dutch spoken) below.

After this webinar, you'll be acquainted with the benefits of working with Cash & Card filters:

  1. How simple it is to set up these filters
  2. How easily you can maintain these filters
  3. How coding Kas & Pas transactions can be expedited
  4. How to code consistently
  5. How to easily identify store categories using MCC codes

Take your time to review the slides from the webinar via the attached PDF. During the webinar, MCC codes are discussed. You can also find a list of the most common MCC codes in the attachment.

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