Register a contract

Register a contract

After a contract has been added in Spend Cloud, you can fill in the contract details (register) in the Register menu item. By clicking on the row or the pencil icon from the registration overview, you will be directed to the page where you can fill in the contract information.


On the right side of the registration page, the contract scan is displayed. If the contract scan consists of multiple pages, you can scroll down in the image to view the remaining pages. You can also download or open the contract scan in a separate window using the icons at the top of the scan.

If you use the "Ask for Opinion" option from, for example, the Inbox or the Archive, the resulting email correspondence will be displayed under the heading "Correspondence." You can find this button below the contract scan view.

On the left side of the page, you can enter all the data for the registration. The contract number and administration have already been determined when adding the contract and are therefore not editable.

- Relation
If the relation is known in Spend Cloud, the text recognition based on the IBAN, VAT, and Chamber of Commerce numbers will automatically fill in the relation information for you. If the relation is not known, you can select the relation from the dropdown list. Check the relation data in relation if the relation is not listed in the dropdown.

Copy Contract Data
If there are multiple contracts for the relevant relation, you have the option to copy the data from a previously registered contract.

Here, you enter the title of the contract. This title will be displayed in the overview and selection fields, so it's advisable to provide a clear title.

Indicate the type of contract you are registering. If the desired contract type is not listed, it can be added in application management.

Provide a description of the contract if necessary.

Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the contract.

Contract Owner
The contract owner is the person who will confirm the contract after registration and subsequently evaluate it. This means that this employee will decide whether the contract should be extended or terminated. Only employees specified as contract owners in their role will be listed in this dropdown.

Here, you can choose what action the contract owner should take after the contract is registered. Depending on your settings, you can select "To confirm" or "To register." By default, "To confirm" will be displayed here. This means that the contract will be sent to the contract owner for confirmation after completing the registration. The contract owner will then have the option to approve or reject the registration. If you have the option "To register" available, you can send the contract to the contract owner for registration. This means that the contract owner has the option to register all or some of the contract data themselves.

Subject to Price Changes (if enabled in your environment)
Here, you can indicate whether the contract is subject to structural price changes. This is often the case with lease contracts where the price is increased annually. If you select "Yes," fields will appear where you can specify the frequency of the increase, the date on which the contract price will change, and optionally add a description of the increase. This data will be used for the notification that will be sent (one month before the specified date) to change the price accordingly.

When the contract is subject to price changes, it will appear in the overview of the "Price Changes" menu. With the appropriate permissions, you can adjust the price of the contract by a certain percentage or amount.

Invoice Moment
Indicate the moment when the invoice associated with the contract arrives. For example, it could be at the beginning or end of the month. If it happens at the beginning of the month, choose "In Advance." When you make a selection here, the field "Invoice Frequency" will appear, where you can specify how often an invoice will arrive.

Automatically Approve Invoices
You have the option to automatically approve invoices associated with the contract when they arrive. This means that the invoice will not need to be reviewed by an employee after the financial administration has coded the invoice. The invoice will be immediately forwarded to the export overview. If you choose "Yes," two new fields will appear where you can specify the maximum price tolerance allowed on the invoice. This allows the invoice to be automatically approved even if the invoice amount slightly differs from the amount you have specified.

In your environment's configuration, a default deviation tolerance is set. If you click on the info balloon next to these fields, you will see what the default deviation tolerance is. This default value will be used if you leave the fields empty. If you enter a new deviation tolerance in these fields, this value will be used for this contract.

Physical Location
Depending on your settings, you may have the option to indicate where the physical contract is stored. For example, "The filing cabinet, number 2B." The data displayed in the dropdown list can be set in application management under the "Storage Locations" menu item.

Retention Period in Years
Here, you can specify how many years the physical contract should be kept.

Contract Period
After filling in the general information, you move on to the specific contract period details.

Start Date
Enter the start date of the contract here.

Specify whether this is a fixed-term or indefinite contract. If you choose a fixed-term contract, additional fields will appear. These are indicated below with an "*."

Enter the duration of the contract here.

*End Date
If you enter the duration, Spend Cloud will automatically calculate the end date for you. You can deviate from this automatically generated date by selecting a different date yourself.

Notice Period
Specify the notice period. If there is no notice period, you can enter "0" here.

*Final Cancellation Date
If you have entered the duration, end date, and notice period, Spend Cloud can automatically fill in the final cancellation date for you. You can deviate from this automatically generated date by selecting a different date yourself.

Costs excl. VAT
Indicate the amount to be invoiced. For example, if you receive one invoice per year, enter the amount that will be on the annual invoice. If the invoice comes in monthly, enter the amount per month. If the costs on the received invoice turn out to be higher than indicated here, Spend Cloud will give a notification.

Action Moment
You can indicate on which date Spend Cloud should generate an action moment. When the action moment date is reached, the contract owner will receive a notification by email and must decide whether to extend or terminate the contract.

Contract Owner Notification Date / Inform Contract Owner On
You can choose to send an additional notification to the contract owner before the action moment date is reached. This is useful if the contract owner needs time in advance to investigate whether the contract should be extended or terminated. Here, you select from which date this notification should be sent.

Repeat Every
If you choose to send an additional notification to the contract owner, you can choose to repeat this notification if desired. You can choose to send this notification every month or every week until the action moment is reached. The same can be done for a contract participant.

Participants Notification Date / Inform Participants On
If employees are involved in the contract, you can also have these employees receive a notification email. You can add these employees after clicking on "Save."

Renewal Type
The contract often specifies the renewal type. Here, you can enter this information for your own registration, so you don't have to look it up when you decide to renew the contract.

Linking Files and Notes
Here, you can choose to add a file and/or a note. If you select this option, you can add these files and/or notes in the next step.

Capturing Codes
If you also work with the Obligations module, you have the option to capture the code of the contract.

To save the registration, click "Continue" at the top of the page. In the following steps, you have the option to add participants, link files, and capture codes.


Registered contracts will have the status "To be sent" in the overview. You can recognize this status by the paper airplane icon.

By sending a contract, it will be forwarded to the contract owner for further processing.

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