Created expense claimss still need to be submitted for assessment by an employee before they can be paid out if approved. You can send an expense immediately after creating it by choosing 'Save and Send.'
Depending on the guidelines within your organization regarding expense claims, it may be useful to bundle expenses falling within the same period and then send them all at once. This way, the person assessing your expenses doesn't have to approve each expense claim individually but can do it in one go for all expenses in a given period.
Saved expenses can be found in the 'Expense claim' menu section. In the overview, the entire period with expenses will have the status 'Added, pending submission.' By clicking the 'Send' button at the top of the overview, you can specify which period of expenses you want to send.
Expense claim ready to be send
After submission, the entire period of expenses will have the status 'In review by an employee.'