Splitting a booking

Splitting a booking

A booking can relate to multiple cost centers, cost types, projects, or different VAT rates. To capture these differences in a single booking, you can split the booking into multiple lines. This applies only to card expenses, not to cash expenses.

Note: Splitting a booking is not yet supported on the Spend Cloud App.

How to Split a Booking

  1. Go to Cash & Card / Bookings.
  2. Select the booking you want to work with.
  3. Hover over the booking you want to split, and click on the pencil icon at the far right.
  4. When editing, scroll to the "Number of lines" field and enter the number of lines you want to split the booking into. Then click 'Continue.'
  5. Now, complete the lines for which you have split the booking, and finally, click 'Save.'
When you split a booking, you can fill in various fields. You can also determine whether a line relates to an expense or income. In short, by splitting a booking, you can allocate the entire expense to different cost centers, cost bearers, or VAT rates.

How to Undo a Booking Split

To undo the split, you need to reverse the booking. This action removes the coding and distribution, allowing you to recreate it if needed.

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