When your organization deals with clients or residents, there might be a need to generate trustee reports. This article provides more information on how you can do this in Spend Cloud.
What is a Trustee Report?
When someone is under trusteeship, they are no longer allowed to make decisions about their property and assets. The appointed trustee often creates a budget plan and oversees the expenses of the person under trusteeship. If your organization makes expenditures on behalf of someone under trusteeship, you might need to provide a trustee report to the trustee. This report allows the trustee to see the expenses (and potential income) of a specific individual over a certain period.
When Can You View and Generate a Trustee Report in Spend Cloud?
To make the correct transactions visible, it's important that the client is
registered in Spend Cloud and the relevant transactions are
coded to that client. Additionally, the menu is only available if it has been enabled in your Spend Cloud configuration. You can discuss this with your implementation consultant or contact our Support department.
Viewing a Trustee Report in Spend Cloud
Through Cash & Card / Trustee Report, you can find all transactions, invoices, and balances of clients. On the left side of the overview, you can use the filtering options to look up specific clients. This way, you can create an overview of all transactions, client invoices, and balances for a specific period for each client.
PDF for Multiple Clients
At the top of the overview, you'll find the button "Download PDF for multiple clients." Clicking on this button will take you to a selection page with checkboxes for all clients. Here, you can select all desired clients with start and end periods. It's also possible to select just one client.
After clicking the green "generate" button, the result will be a PDF file containing transactions, invoices, and balances. You can download this by clicking on the link in the displayed green box. Descriptions of the transactions (if filled out) will be shown, as well as budget details if applicable.