Adding a contract via the Mailbox menu

Adding a contract via the Mailbox menu

To add a contract to the Spend Cloud mailbox, you can use the menu options "Mailbox" or "Add." In the mailbox of Contract Management, you will find all contracts that have been received by email through the designated receiving address.

To send a contract to the mailbox, use the email address [customername]

The incoming emails need to be checked for spam, the content of the contract, and, if applicable, assigned to an administration. Afterward, the emails can be processed, and the contracts forwarded to the Registration section.

Check email:

By clicking on the email in the overview or on the pencil icon at the end of the row, you can view the email, including attachments. On this page, you can verify whether the email indeed contains a contract. If it does, you can specify the fiscal year and, if applicable, the administration to which the contract belongs.

At the bottom of the page, under 'Files,' you can indicate how the attachment(s) should be processed. By dragging attachments, you can adjust the order, placing subsequent pages under the first page of the contract. You can process the attachments in various ways, and the following options are possible:

  1. New Contract: If it is the first or only page of a contract.
  2. Continuation: If it is a subsequent page of the above contract.
  3. Attachment: This is supplementary material to the contract, such as an image.
  4. Ignore: If the file does not need to be processed.
  5. After clicking 'Save,' the email will be prepared for processing. If you choose 'Process,' it will be forwarded directly to Registration.

If you have any questions about the contract, you can use the "Ask Opinion" button within the email in the mailbox. This way, you can send a question to an employee or an external contact person before sending the contract to the "Registration" section.

Email Processing:

Emails with contracts that have been verified will have the status "To be sent," recognizable by the paper airplane icon. By selecting the emails in the overview and then clicking "Process" at the top of the list, the contracts within the emails will be processed and forwarded to the Registration section.

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