Administrator information on the dashboard
By clicking on the Spend Cloud logo in the top-left corner of the blue bar, you access your personal dashboard. If you are an (module) administrator of one or more modules, you will also see administrator information on your dashboard. You only see information about the modules where you are an administrator. The box where you see this information is also referred to as the 'administrator widget.'
For each module, you see relevant information about actions that are open for employees. You can directly click on each item to go to the respective menu where you can view the details. For example, if you click on 'To code' under the 'Invoices' section, you will be redirected to the 'Coding' menu.
Some sections can be expanded, such as 'To review.' You can do this by clicking on the arrow (>) next to the section. This allows you to specify the information you want to see. Conversely, if you see numbers that are less interesting to you, you can collapse the section. This way, you maintain an overview, and the widget remains compact if desired.
The number you see under 'To assess' and 'Disapproved' for Invoice Processing and Procurement represents the number of invoice lines/order lines that need to be reviewed. This may be a higher number than the number of invoices/orders but never a lower number.
More information about widgets on the dashboard can be found
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