An error about procuration when submitting an order

An error about procuration when submitting an order

It may occur that a requester encounters the following error message when submitting an order request: "No role has been created with sufficient procuration to complete the order from supplier X." In this article, we'll explain what you as an application manager can do to resolve this error message.

This error message indicates that no one has been designated to assess the order. Therefore, you need to check the procuration scheme within the roles overview for Procurement.

For the procuration scheme, the system looks at the following:
  1. Organizational Unit
    1. The requester places an order for (one of) the organizational units where they have a role. There should be a user on this, or a higher-level organizational unit with the appropriate role to approve the order.
  1. Supplier Group
    1. Each supplier is linked to one or more supplier groups. The requester with the appropriate role on the relevant organizational unit (or above) is linked to the supplier through a supplier group.
  1. Role/Procuration
    1. Someone must have a role that is linked to the supplier through a supplier group on the same or higher-level organizational unit where the order is placed. This person must have ordering qualification and sufficient procuration for this order. This person can assess the order.

Checking the above points in the roles overview

It's useful to check beforehand to which supplier group(s) the relevant supplier is linked. You can check this via the menu item Application Management / Procurement / Suppliers using the three dots next to the supplier.

First, determine on which organizational unit the requester has made a request and which supplier group is involved. Once you know this, go to the menu item Application Management / Organization / Roles. In this overview, make a selection on the module 'Procurement'. You may get many results; you can narrow down your selection by filtering, for example, on the organizational unit.

You will now see all employees who have a role on this organizational unit related to Procurement and to which supplier groups they are linked. You will also see the set procuration within their role. Depending on your environment's settings, there may be procurement set per supplier group, or for the role. In the former case, you will see the procurement behind the supplier group instead of in the overview.

There is no employee with (sufficient) procuration for this supplier group on this organizational unit
You need to add a user with sufficient procuration. More information on adding a role can be found here. If you don't see any procuration at all for a role, the order qualification setting within the role is set to 'No'. This setting should be 'Yes', otherwise, the user is not allowed to send orders to the supplier.

There is an employee with ordering authority on this organizational unit but the procuration is insufficient
Edit the role, or the function profile if the role is based on a function profile, and adjust the procuration. Depending on your environment's settings, you adjust this for the entire role, or per supplier group.

There is an employee with sufficient procuration on this organizational unit
Check if the supplier is linked to a supplier group that is linked to this employee. In the employee's role, you can see which supplier groups are linked. You can then check which group(s) the supplier is linked to via the menu item Application Management / Procurement / Suppliers.

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