

The role overview can be found in the 'Application Management' of the menu section 'Organization'. The overview provides insights into all roles within Spend Cloud. A role defines the permissions a staff member has within a specific organizational unit. From the overview, you can add, view, delete, transfer, and edit roles.

To view the role overview, you must first make a selection on the left. By selecting a module, you will also see the associated authorization. The smaller the selection, the faster the loading time.
Role overview with associated authorization 

Adding roles

A role is always added for a specific organizational unit. The role overview is therefore displayed within the configured organizational structure. If you want to add a new role, select the desired organizational unit and click on '+ ' next to it.

Based on function profile
By selecting 'Yes' here, you can create a role based on a function profile. In a function profile, permissions are predefined, making it easy to add a recurring role. By selecting 'No' here, you can add a unique role and you will need to set the role permissions in the subsequent steps.

You can add a new organizational unit through the 'Structure' section and add a new staff member through the 'Employees' section.

Adding multiple identical roles

Sometimes it can be useful to assign an identical role to an employee in multiple places within the organization. For example, when an employee needs to evaluate multiple locations with the same authorization.
From the menu section 'Organization' > 'Employees', you can perform this using the 'Add Multiple Roles' function (see the image below).
After selecting this function, you first need to choose the organizational units where you want to add the identical role. After selecting 'Continue' again, you can choose the permissions or function profile and go through the steps as described above (Adding a role). After this, the role will be added to all selected organizational units.

If an employee also needs to fulfill a different role in multiple places within the organization, you need to repeat the 'Add Multiple Roles' function for each role.

Transferring roles

By clicking on the two arrows at the back of the role overview, you can transfer a role to another staff member. The role remains available within the same organizational unit; only the owner changes. Additionally, all pending actions are transferred to the new role owner.

In the overview, there is a square next to an employee's name. By selecting this square and choosing 'Remove' or 'Transfer' at the top of the overview, you can perform the action for the selected roles.

It is not possible to transfer roles if a user may be contract owner or if they are module administrator. You can mutate contract ownership via the menu Application Management / Contract Management / Mutate. The latter you can check within the rights the role of the user is based on.

Deleting roles

A staff member without a role cannot log in to Spend Cloud. Additionally, you can only delete a role if there are no pending actions related to the role. You must first close the pending actions.

Importing roles

With the 'Import Roles Based on Function Profile' button at the top of the role overview, you can import a document containing multiple roles defined based on a function profile. This way, you can create multiple roles at once and don't have to add them one by one.
Before importing, check the field format to ensure the file is correctly formatted.

Viewing and editing roles

By clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the end of a row, you can view a role. Then, you can click on 'Edit' at the top. When editing a role, you need to consider a few things.

Based on function profile
By selecting 'Yes' here, you can create a role based on a function profile. In a function profile, permissions are predefined, making it easy to add a recurring role. By selecting 'No' here, you can add a unique role and you will need to set the role permissions in the subsequent steps.

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