Assessing an invoice

Assessing an invoice

Through Invoice Processing / Assess, you'll find an overview of all invoices that you can assess. You can also access this page from the actions on your dashboard. In addition to assessing invoices on the web version, you can also assess invoices in our app.

If your organization has enabled the ability for you to both assess and encode invoices, you can also find them here. By clicking on the hammer icon, you can either assess or encode the invoice. Learn more about assessing and encoding on this page.
Assessing Invoices

Assessing Invoices

By default, you'll see only the invoices that you can assess. However, it might be set up for you to assess on behalf of other employees. By removing your name from the filter on the left and clicking the 'Select' button, you can also see invoices offered to other employees.

When you click on the invoice line or the hammer icon from the assess overview, you can assess the invoice.
Assessing an Invoice
Check all the details on the page. Then, you can provide an assessment in the yellow box at the top or within the invoice line. By providing your assessment in the yellow box at the top, the assessment will apply to all invoice lines below it. You can also provide an assessment per invoice line.

With this assessment, you approve the details on the invoice. If the invoice amount exceeds the limit for which you're authorized to approve invoices, the invoice will be forwarded to the next assessor. If you have the correct authority to fully approve the invoice, it will be queued for export to the financial system.

If you disagree with the invoice details, you can disapprove the invoice. In the 'Comments' section, you can specify why you're disapproving the invoice line(s). The invoice will now be sent back to the financial administration for necessary adjustments. After the invoice is corrected, it will need to be assessed again.

On Hold
If you can't assess the invoice yet, perhaps due to an outstanding question, you can choose 'On Hold.' Selecting this option means you're not assessing the invoice at this time, and you'll need to assess it later. The invoice will now have the status 'On Hold.' By providing an explanation, all involved employees can see why the invoice hasn't been assessed yet.

If desired, you can attach a file or link relevant invoices to the invoice. At the top, you can click 'Save' for the assessment or 'Save and Next' to assess a series of invoices.

Additional Features While Assessing

Ask for Opinion
By selecting the 'Ask for Opinion' button at the top of this page, you can pose a question to an employee or external contact.

Link to Archive
Next to the creditor, there's an icon. Clicking on it will open a new tab to the Archive. The respective creditor is already preselected, making it easy to gain insights into older invoices.

Original Email
If this invoice was processed via the Mailbox, the 'Email' button becomes visible under the invoice scan. Here, you can view the original email from the creditor.

Add Notes
Under the invoice scan, you'll find the 'Notes' button. Here, you can add notes related to the invoice. This way, you can keep other employees informed about developments concerning this invoice. Once a note is added, it's visible to everyone with access to this invoice.

Under the invoice scan, the 'Correspondence' button is displayed. When the 'Ask for Opinion' option is used, Spend Cloud will record the question and answer. Clicking this button allows you to review all correspondence about this invoice.

Under the invoice line, you'll find the history of action rules for this invoice line. Initially, only the first rule from the history is shown. By selecting the triangle next to 'Offered to,' you can view all action rules for this invoice line.

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