Blocked employees

Blocked employees

In this section, you can see employees who are temporarily blocked from logging in. Employees are temporarily blocked after several* failed login attempts. A temporary block lasts 15 minutes and is automatically lifted after this time. As an administrator, you can manually lift the block on employees here before it expires. If an employee believes they are blocked but does not appear on this list, you can check the logbook to see when the block began. If the first block notification occurred more than 15 minutes ago, the block has already been automatically lifted. You can find the log under the menu item Application Management / Organization / Logbook.

*Typically, the number of failed attempts before an employee is temporarily blocked is 5. You can check this number within the general configuration settings of your Spend Cloud environment.

In the following article, you can read how an administrator can assist a user who is unable to log in: What can I do as an administrator if a colleague is unable to log in?
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