booking a cash difference

booking a cash difference

Some organizations deal with cash transactions. The cash is recorded in the Spend Cloud system in a cash book or a combined card book. Based on the income and expenses you enter, Spend Cloud keeps track of how much cash you have on hand. Many organizations also choose to have users perform a cash count at the end of a period. This cash count serves as an additional check on the cash balance.

Booking a Cash difference

It is possible that at the end of a period (which could be a week or a month), you discover that you have more or less cash on hand than what Spend Cloud indicates. In such cases, you record a cash difference. To do this, navigate to the book to which this difference applies and click 'Add entry' at the top:

You will then access a form where, depending on the settings, you can add different types of entries. Under 'Booking type,' select 'Record Cash Difference.' If you have less cash on hand than the (physical) book balance, choose 'Expense.' If you have more cash on hand than the balance indicates, select 'Income.' The amount you enter here will be subtracted from or added to the balance, depending on your choice.

When you enter a cash count and a difference is calculated, you can directly proceed to adding a cash difference entry from the count. In this case, you don't need to click 'Add entry' as described above.

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