Sometimes, when using a web service to export invoices to Exact Globe financial software, you may encounter various issues. The cause of these issues can be reflected in error messages that you see in the export report. Unfortunately, these error messages often don't provide a clear solution to the problem. In this article, we've gathered some error messages along with possible explanations and what you can do to resolve the issue.
Exact Globe Web Service
- Error Message: Journal number- Validation error:Entity: Already used: Document number(205471) + Our ref.(205471) [Table: amutak], Already used: Document number ( 205471) [Document number: ' 205471'], Already exists: Invoice [Our ref.: ' 205471']
Possible Cause: The invoice in question is already present in Exact Globe (in this example, document number 205471).
Possible Solution: Check if the invoice exists in Exact. If it does, mark the invoice as "exported" in the Export section.
- Error Message: Journal number - Validation error:Entity: Journal is closed for this posting period. [Created: '1/20/2023']
Possible Cause: The invoice falls within a period that is closed, either in the past or future (due to period distribution).
Possible Solution: If it's in a past period, use period adjustment during export to select an open period with the "older only" option.
If it's in a future period, check the invoice date and the period. Ensure that the future period is open in Exact.
- Error Message: Journal number- Validation error:Entity: Data already linked: Account XXXXX [Creditor number: '000008'.
Possible Cause: A creditor account has been filled in for the creditor in Exact.
Possible Solution: Clear the creditor account for the creditor in Exact.
- Error Message: Journal number - Validation error:Entity: Cannot be empty. [Cost center: '']
Possible Cause: There is no cost center filled in the invoice, while Exact expects one based on the general ledger/creditor.
Possible Solution: Encode the invoice with a cost center or adjust the settings in Exact so that a cost center is not mandatory.
- Error Message: Journal number - Validation error:Entity: Invalid: Cost center link [Cost center: '408']
Possible Cause: A cost center used in the invoice cannot be used with the chosen general ledger/creditor.
Possible Solution: Ensure that the cost center in question is properly set up in Exact, or choose a different cost center for the invoice.
- Error Message: Journal number - Validation error:Entity: Cannot be empty. [Article code: ]
Possible Cause: The general ledger in Exact has the "Analytical required" option checked for "Article."
Possible Solution: Disable this option within Exact.
- Error Message: Journal number - Error Fetching http headers
Possible Cause: A timeout occurred in the web service while booking the invoice. The Spend Cloud doesn't know if the export was successful. This can happen due to many lines with period distribution or a large invoice scan (PDF).
If the issue persists, contact ProActive's support department.
- Error Message: (invoice number) - looks like we got no XML document
Possible Cause: The invoice PDF is too large. Within the webservice from Exact a limit can be set for the size of the exported file. If this limit is exceeded the invoice can't be exported.
- Error Message: Journal number - Error:Entity: AccountID:Required: Relation
Possible Cause: In Exact, relation have a CreditorCode and CreditorNumber. The CreditorNumber in Exact may not match the relation number as entered in the Spend Cloud, causing Exact to not know which relation the invoice should be booked to.
Possible Solution: Check the CreditorNumber field in Exact and change it if it doesn't match the relation number in the Spend Cloud.
- Error Message: Error:Entity: GroupID:Required: Headcategory
Possible Cause: It is likely that there is a deactivated Exact user within the web service (who was linked to the IIS pool).
Possible Solution: Reactivate the relevant Exact user.
- Error Message: Error:Entity: No rights: Journal X
Possible Cause: A wrong default financial year is chosen within the general settings of the journal ór the BACO user has no access to this journal.
Possible Solution: Check the default financial year within the general settings of the journal and/or check if the BACO user has access to this journal.
Web Service Error Messages
Sometimes, you might receive error messages related to the web service itself. These errors can be caused by IT-related changes or updates to your web service installation. In most cases, your own IT team or the administrator of the Exact Globe web service can resolve these error messages.
- Error Message: Journal number - SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from ' : failed to load external entity "
Possible Cause: This message indicates that the Exact Globe web service is not accessible from the Spend Cloud. This could be due to server maintenance or IT-related changes (IP blockage).
Possible Solution: If this problem persists, we recommend contacting your IT provider responsible for maintaining your own Exact Globe web service installation.
- Error Message: Journal number - -
Possible Cause: When the Spend Cloud doesn't receive a response from the web service, it's possible that the processes of the web service are stuck.
Possible Solution: Your own IT team or the administrator of the Exact Globe installation can restart the server/web service processes.
- Error Message: Journal number - Failed to login to Globe: Invalid : MAC Address2
Possible Cause: During the setup of the Exact Globe administration, a step from the Exact Globe installation guide may not have been (correctly) executed.
Possible Solution: Refer to the Exact Globe Web Service guide, Chapter 2.4, for more information.
- Error Message: Journal number - - Error:Entity: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Lock request time out period exceeded. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. ……..
Possible Cause: The Exact Globe Web Service couldn't write the booking within the maximum available time set within the Exact Globe Web Service installation.
Possible Solution: Try exporting the invoice again. If this problem persists, contact your own IT team or the administrator of the Exact Globe Web Service installation.
- Error Message: Document number - Validation error: Entity: Not allowed: Divisible.
Possible Cause: The error message is related to a setting in Exact Globe. A checkbox needs to be enabled at the item level.
Possible Solution: Enable the checkbox at the item level.
- Error Message: Request Entity Too Large
Possible Cause: A timeout occurred within the Webservice when booking the invoice. It is possible that processes on the Webservice server have stalled, or the invoice scan is too large. As a result, Spend Cloud cannot determine whether the export was successful.
If the invoice scan is not too large: Contact your ICT provider or the maintainer of the Exact Globe installation and ask them to restart the server/Webservice processes.