Merchant category code (MCC)

Merchant category code (MCC)

These days, many processes can be automated, including the reconciliation of card expenses. It's possible to filter expenses made with Spend Cloud cards and bunq cards using Merchant Category Codes (MCC). This allows specific types of costs to be assigned to particular transactions. The MCC is set by the store on the card reader, enabling users to see where the expense was incurred during the transaction. By linking the MCC to a specific cost category in this way, it can be recognized and applied as coding to the relevant expenses.
You can find a list of populair MCC-codes linked as attachment.

Some MCC codes are blocked by Adyen due to potential risks. In this article you can read more information about this and which MCC codes this concerns.

AlertIt's important to note that there is no differentiation made between different types of expenses, such as cleaning supplies and lunch.

You may also want to explore the theme webinar (Dutch spoken) titled 'Benefits of Using Smart Filters,' which explains, among other things, how you can easily recognize store categories using MCC codes.
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