Registering a service order

Registering a service order

It will soon be possible to create service orders in Spend Cloud. This can be useful if you want to register an order request for services or tasks. In this article, we explain how this new functionality works. At the bottom of this article, we also cover what you can do as an application manager to enable this functionality for purchasers.

This functionality is still in the pilot phase. If the functionality is enabled but you or the requester(s) do not yet see the "Register a service" button, scroll down to the information on checking the settings by an application administrator.

Creating a New Request

Step 1 - General

To register a service order, go to the Procurement / Requests menu item. Click the button  to start. Creating a service order is done in three steps. On the first page, you fill in general information, such as the supplier, administration (if applicable), and the organizational unit for which you want to place the order. You can also add one or more attachments to your request. For example, you can add a quotation or other relevant files. Click on 'Upload a file' or drag the file to the attachments section to add it. These files are selected by default to be sent to the supplier. If you do not want this, for example, because the file is relevant to the order in Spend Cloud but not to the supplier, you can uncheck the box to not attach the file to the order. If you want to add an order line you can click on the button at the bottom of the form.

On the right side of the request, you will see a summary. On the first page, you see the chosen supplier and the associated email address. The order will be sent to this email address. When you are done on this page, click 'Next step'.
The 'Save as draft' functionality is not yet available. Although you already see this button, it is not yet possible to save a service order as a draft. More information about this functionality will follow.

Step 2 - Service(s)

In this step, you can provide an explanation for the supplier, an amount, and if applicable, a VAT percentage. If the price of the service is not yet known, you can enter an estimate here so that it can be approved in advance. It is possible to change the amount later. You can also leave the amount blank and provide it later, for example, after contacting the supplier or after the work has been performed. The amounts are sent by default on the PDF of the order. If you do not want to send the amounts, you can uncheck the designated box, and the entered amount will not be sent to the supplier.

When you are done filling out the form, you will again see a summary of the request on the right side. You can use the arrows to go back to the previous or next step.

The amount after the order is sent to the supplier can be changed by employees who have the appropriate rights. Read more about this at the bottom of this article.

Step 3 - Accountability (optional)

This step is only visible if, in step 1, you selected an organizational unit where you have a role to financially code orders.

In this step, you will fill in the financial details for this order, also known as financial coding. Filling in these fields is always optional. The coding you enter here applies to all order lines. The Spend Cloud will suggest a few general ledger accounts for the "general ledger account" field, based on the most frequently coded general ledger accounts from processed invoices linked to this supplier and booked under the same organizational unit. If a default general ledger account has been filled in for the relationship linked to this supplier, it will be automatically entered, and Spend Cloud will not make any suggestions for the general ledger account.

Filling in this step is entirely optional, and the system will not take into account any restrictions or obligations that may be enforced by the coding matrix.

This feature is currently under development and will be available soon.

Step 3 (4) - Delivery

You are now at the last step of composing the service order. On this page, you enter the delivery address, additional information for the supplier, and possibly a reference number. Then fill in the remaining internal details, such as who may receive the order. You can choose between an employee or a receiving group. Make a selection and then choose the desired employee or group. Finally, you can add a note for internal use; this note is not visible to the supplier.

Again, you will see a summary of the order on the right side of the form. If you want to modify the order, you can use the arrow to go back to the previous step. When you are ready, click the button to go to the shopping cart to complete the registration. The order can now be handled furtherly in the usual proces by editing the coding and/or send the order.

For Application Managers

If an employee does not see the button to register a service or cannot make the desired selection, you can check the following:


Ensure that the purchaser has access to the Procurement / Requests menu item within the rights based on their role.

Role/Function Profile

Check the role of the employee to make sure at least the following settings are correctly configured, taking into account the organizational unit the employee has chosen:

If the purchaser does not see the button to register a service order on the Requests page
  1. Create orders: Yes - If this setting is No, the user is not allowed to place orders.
  2. Create manual orders: Yes - If this setting is No, the user cannot create manual order requests and cannot register a service order.


Check if the supplier is linked to the correct supplier group and if the settings for the supplier are correct.

If the purchaser sees the button to register a service order but not the desired supplier
  1. Supplier groups: Check within the role which supplier groups the purchaser is linked to. If the employee sees the button to register a service order but not the desired supplier, you can check for which suppliers the employee may compose an order based on these groups.
  2. Supplier: Navigate to the Application Management / Procurement / Suppliers menu item. Search for the relevant supplier, click the three dots next to the supplier, and then click 'Link supplier group'. In this overview, you can see which groups the supplier is linked to. Compare this with the supplier groups in the user's role and link the supplier to new supplier groups as needed. Finally, click 'Save'.
  3. Supplier settings: Edit the supplier from the Application Management / Procurement / Suppliers menu item. Check if the following settings are set to Yes:
    1. Manual order allowed - If this setting cannot be selected, it is likely an OCI supplier.
    2. Send order directly
    3. Email address - An email address must be entered; otherwise, the order cannot be sent to the supplier.

Editing the order amount after the order is send to the supplier

To grant an employee the rights to modify the amount of the service order after it has been sent to the supplier, go to the job profile or role settings. There, if the option "module administrator" is activated in the rights set, you can choose to allow the employee to modify orders requested by other employees, with or without a new review.

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