Request a new OCI-connection

Request a new OCI-connection

In your procurement process in Spend Cloud, you can make use of OCI integrations. This allows you to move from Spend Cloud to a supplier's webshop to create your order request. This order request is then made available in your Spend Cloud environment's shopping cart for further modifications and can be submitted within your organization for evaluation.

To make this process possible, it is essential to establish the connection correctly between your Spend Cloud environment and the respective supplier. Coordination with the supplier is necessary to ensure proper functionality.

 Below are four scenarios for creating the connection between Spend Cloud and the supplier, along with the expectations of all parties involved in this process:
  1. You are in an implementation phase and want an OCI integration with an existing supplier.
  2. You are in an implementation phase and want an OCI integration with a new supplier.
  3. You are already live in Spend Cloud and are requesting an integration with an existing supplier.
  4. You are already live and are requesting an integration with a new supplier through the Support department."

1. You are in an implementation phase and want an OCI integration with an existing supplier

At the beginning of the implementation, you, along with the consultant, have identified the suppliers with which you'd like to establish an OCI integration. To achieve this, the consultant provides best practices and tips so that you can independently contact the supplier. In this case, the process follows these steps:

Considerations before OCI application

Provide known points of consideration (e.g., the possibility of a general ledger translation table, accounts per delivery address, receiving invoices in XML format) to the customer and share best practices for the desired integration. In the case of a completely new supplier for the customer, share the contact details of the OCI supplier known to Visma | ProActive.

Visma | ProActive Consultant
Detailed Discussion about the Webshop

Engage in an in-depth discussion with the account manager of the OCI supplier regarding the possibilities and functionalities of the webshop integration. This could include aspects such as the number of accounts, product range delineation, discounts, order confirmations, general ledger translation table, additional charges, billing address details, and preference for XML invoicing.

Customer (with optional support from Visma | ProActive Consultant)
Request Login Details via Email from the OCI Supplier Contact Person

Request login details (username and password) and possibly customer numbers or location codes from the contact person at the OCI supplier, with the consultant in CC. Also, relevant to the webshop integration is coordinating how and where the order should be placed with the supplier (via email with a PDF file, via HTTPS using an XML file, or via SFTP using an XML file). See below for an example email.

Submit Login Details via Email

Submit OCI login details (username and password) and possibly location codes for each delivery address and customer numbers via email.

OCI Supplier
Activate OCI Integration and Conduct Technical Testing of the OCI Connection

Activate and configure the OCI integration. Technically test the connection by conducting the initial 'roundtrip' with customer login details.

Visma | ProActive Consultant
Create OCI Supplier in Spend Cloud

Create the OCI supplier with the appropriate settings and link it to supplier groups, categories, roles, rights, etc. More information can be found by clicking on the link under the 'Connect the Supplier to an OCI Integration' section.

Visma | ProActive Consultant (Instruction about this for a customer during an onboarding training
Place the First Order in Coordination with the OCI Supplier

Place the first order in coordination with the OCI supplier's contact person. The first order can be placed directly or intercepted. The goal is to not only successfully access the webshop but also to verify with the OCI supplier that the order has been correctly received and placed.

Resolve Error Messages When Placing Orders

In case of an error message, if an order is not placed with a supplier in Spend Cloud and Spend Cloud indicates the status 'to be received,' inquire with the supplier. If the supplier claims this is not the case, work on resolving the issue.

Visma | ProActive Consultant

2. You are in an implementation process and want to establish an OCI integration with a new supplier

During the implementation of procurement software from Spend Cloud, you realize that you would like to utilize an OCI integration with a new supplier. This supplier is not yet available in Spend Cloud. A condition for the integration is that the supplier is willing to develop the integration after receiving the documentation. In this case, the process follows the following steps:

Requirement for a New OCI Supplier

Informing the Consultant about the Need for a New OCI Integration

Checking OCI Integration Tier

The first 5 integrations are free of charge. If the client has more than 5 OCI integrations, an additional fee will be applied. For inquiries, please refer to the agreement or account manager.

Visma | ProActive Consultant
Sending Documentation Requirements for OCI Integration

Send documentation regarding the OCI integration requirements with Spend Cloud to the contact person of the new OCI supplier. Documentation can be found here:

OCI Integration Development by OCI Supplier

IMPORTANT: The time required for development depends on the supplier. Depending on the duration, it may be a better option to choose an alternative ordering method. Also, it depends on the supplier whether they charge for the integration.

OCI Supplier
Providing URL and Login Details

Send URL and login details via email to the ProActive consultant. It is also relevant for a webshop integration to coordinate how and where the order should be placed with the supplier (via email with a PDF file, via HTTPS with an XML file, or via SFTP with an XML file).

Creating OCI Supplier in Spend Cloud

Create an OCI supplier with the correct settings and link it to the supplier group/category/roles, permissions, etc. More information can be found by clicking on the link under the heading 'Link the Supplier to an OCI Integration

Visma | ProActive Consultant (Instruction about this for a customer during an onboarding training
Placing the First Order in Coordination with OCI Supplier

Place the first order in coordination with the contact person at the OCI supplier. The first order can be placed directly or captured. The goal is not only to approach the webshop successfully but also to work with the OCI supplier to ensure that the order has been received and placed correctly.

Resolving Error Messages When Placing an Order

In case of an error message
  1. An error message occurs when an order has not been placed with a supplier in Spend Cloud.
  2. According to Spend Cloud, the order has the status 'to be received.' The client has confirmed this with the supplier, but the supplier claims otherwise.
Visma | ProActive Consultant

3. You are live and requesting an existing integration in Spend Cloud

During the use of Spend Cloud, the need arises to link a new supplier to Spend Cloud. This supplier is already available within Spend Cloud. The client first coordinates matters with the supplier before making a request within Spend Cloud. In this case, the process follows the following steps:

Check If Integration Exists in Spend Cloud

The client checks via Application Management / Procurement / Available Webshops if the supplier already has an existing OCI integration with Spend Cloud. If this is not the case, refer to scenario 4.

In-depth Discussion About the Webshop

In-depth discussion with the account manager of the OCI supplier regarding the (im)possibilities and functionalities of the webshop integration. Known considerations (such as the possibility of a general ledger translation table, accounts per delivery address, receiving invoices in XML format) should be conveyed to the client during the implementation process.

Request Login Credentials via Email from OCI Supplier Contact Person

Request login credentials (username and password) and, if applicable, customer numbers or location codes from the contact person of the OCI supplier. Additionally, for a new integration, it's relevant to coordinate how and where the order should be placed with the supplier (via email with a PDF file, via HTTPS with an XML file, or via SFTP with an XML file).

Provide Login Credentials

Provide OCI login credentials (username and password) and, if applicable, location codes per delivery address and customer numbers in the "available webshops" section.

Activate OCI Integration

Based on the request in step 1, the OCI integration is activated in the environment by the ProActive support consultant. Once this is ready, the client will receive a notification. This OCI integration can now be selected under "External Integrations."

Visma | ProActive Support
Create OCI Supplier in Spend Cloud

Create the OCI supplier with the correct settings and link it to the supplier group/category/roles, permissions, external integration, etc. More information can be found by clicking on the link under the heading "Link the Supplier to an OCI Integration."

Place the First Order in Coordination with OCI Supplier

Place the first order in coordination with the contact person at the OCI supplier. The first order can be placed directly or captured. The goal is to not only approach the webshop successfully but also to work with the OCI supplier to verify that the order has been received and placed correctly.

Resolve Error Message When Placing an Order

In the case of an error message:
  1. An error message occurs when an order has not been placed with a supplier in Spend Cloud.
  2. According to Spend Cloud, the order has the status "to be received." The client has confirmed this with the supplier, but the supplier claims otherwise. More information can be found in the article 'An Error Message When Placing an OCI Order.'

Visma | ProActive Support

4. You are live and requesting an OCI integration with a new supplier through support

During the use of Spend Cloud, the need arises to link a new OCI supplier to Spend Cloud. This supplier is not available within Spend Cloud. The client first coordinates matters with the supplier before making a request via support. In this case, the process follows the following steps:

To ensure that the supplier is aware of the way Visma | ProActive expects an OCI integration to be set up, a link to a document explaining the above is sent. The documentation:

In-depth Discussion About the Webshop

In-depth discussion with the account manager of the OCI supplier regarding the (im)possibilities and functionalities of the webshop integration. Known considerations (such as the possibility of a general ledger translation table, accounts per delivery address, receiving invoices in XML format) should be conveyed to the client during the implementation process.

Customer & Supplier
Request Login Credentials via Email from OCI Supplier Contact Person

Request login credentials (username and password) and, if applicable, customer numbers or location codes from the contact person of the OCI supplier. See below the table for an example email. Additionally, for a webshop integration, it's relevant to coordinate where the order should be placed with the supplier (via email with a PDF file, via HTTPS with an XML file, or via SFTP with an XML file).

Provide Login Credentials via Email

Provide OCI login credentials (username and password) and, if applicable, location codes per delivery address and customer numbers.

OCI Supplier
Request OCI Integration for Your Spend Cloud Environment

The request for the OCI integration is communicated by the client to Visma | ProActive. An email is sent to to set up the OCI integration with the supplier. The email includes webshop credentials, the login URL (as provided by the supplier), and other additional information collected in steps 3 and 4.

Activate OCI Integration

Based on the information obtained in step 5, the OCI integration is activated for the respective Spend Cloud environment. This OCI integration can now be selected under "External Integrations." The client will be notified when this is available.

Visma | ProActive Support
Create OCI Supplier in Spend Cloud

Create the OCI supplier with the correct settings and link it to the supplier group/category/roles, permissions, external integration, etc. More information can be found by clicking on the link under the heading "Link the Supplier to an OCI Integration."

Place the First (Test) Order in Coordination with OCI Supplier

Place the first order in coordination with the contact person at the OCI supplier. The first order can be placed directly or captured. The goal is to not only approach the webshop successfully but also to work with the OCI supplier to verify that the order has been received and placed correctly.

Customer & Supplier
Resolve Error Message When Placing the Order

In case of an error message:
  1. An error message occurs when an order has not been placed with a supplier in the Spend Cloud.
  2. According to Spend Cloud, the order has the status "to be received." The client has confirmed this with the supplier, but the supplier claims otherwise. More information can be found in the article 'An Error Message When Placing an OCI Order.'
Visma | ProActive Support

 Example email for requesting OCI login credentials

Dear [Contact Person's Name],

We would like to utilize your OCI integration with Spend Cloud for [Customer Name and optionally Debtor Number(s) or Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Number(s)].

Could you please provide us with the login credentials (username and password) for an OCI account, as well as the necessary URL to access the webshop?

Furthermore, we would appreciate information on how orders should be placed with your organization. Is it through:

(1) Email with a PDF file? In that case, please provide the email address for order placement.
(2) HTTPS with a cXML file? If so, please provide a URL for order placement and, if applicable, a username and password. Please note that this URL is different from the OCI account login URL.
(3) SFTP with a cXML file? If yes, kindly provide the URL of the SFTP account for order placement and, if applicable, a username and password.

Optional: If there are OCI accounts per delivery address, you can find an attachment [Add a sheet with the procurement delivery adresses from the Spend Cloud] containing a list of all desired delivery addresses for which these OCI accounts can be provided. If it's relevant to include a debtor number, customer number, or location code when placing the XML order, we would appreciate receiving this information. In the attachment, you can provide these details for each delivery address as additional columns.

Best regards,

[Name Customer]

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