Encoding an invoice

Encoding an invoice

In the Coding menu, you'll find all the invoices that can be processed (coded). By clicking on a row or the pencil icon from the overview, you can access the page where you can code the invoice details.

Encoding Invoices

When you start encoding an invoice, it first goes through text recognition, which identifies and automatically fills in some data. In addition to the text recognition, other fields may also be pre-filled for you. If these fields are displayed in yellow, they have been filled using the Autosuggest feature. These details need to be verified and corrected if necessary.

On the right side of the edit page, you'll see the PDF invoice . You can select and copy from this view to the relevant text fields, saving you from having to type everything manually.

If you have used the "Ask for Opinion" option, such as from the mailbox or archive, any resulting email correspondence will be displayed under "Correspondence." This button can be found below the invoice scan view.

On the left side of the page, you can fill in all the registration details. The document number and administration are automatically filled in and are not editable.
  1. Creditor
Text recognition populates the creditor when an IBAN number, Chamber of Commerce number, or VAT number is mentioned on the invoice and can be linked to a creditor in Spend Cloud. To be recognized, this creditor must be registered in "Application Management / General / Relations."

  1. Matching Orders
If your organization uses the Procurement module, you have the option to match invoices to procurement orders. Learn more about matching orders here.

  1. Link Invoice
By checking the "Link Invoice" box, you can attach relevant files to the invoice in a subsequent step (after saving). These files could be other invoices, contracts, or additional documents.

  1. Add as Template
By clicking the "Add as Template" box, you can create a template from the invoice. In a template, you can define a set of standard values for a specific invoice. When you select this template during coding, all registered fields will be automatically filled in. This allows you to quickly and easily code recurring invoices.

Invoice Lines

After completing the general details, you can create the invoice lines. In an invoice line, you can specify how the invoice should be booked, such as selecting a general ledger account and cost center.

Encoding an invoice line

  1. Employee
In this field, you select the employee responsible for reviewing the invoice. If only one employee is authorized or if a workflow is in place, this employee will be automatically selected. If no one is selected, you can make a choice yourself. If the "Action" option is also enabled, you can also offer the invoice for coding. In some environments, you can also select a "group" here.

If there is an issue with an invoice line, you can delete it by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the invoice line.

At the top of the page, you can find the "Add Invoice Line" button. By clicking on it, you can split the invoice into multiple invoice lines. This is useful, for example, when you want to distribute the amount across several general ledger accounts. Spend Cloud will automatically display the difference between the total amount and the amount in the invoice line in the new line.

Once all the data is registered, you can save the invoice. On the following page, you can optionally attach files to it. Finally, you can send the invoice from the coding overview.


Invoices that have been coded are marked as "To Send," recognizable by the paper airplane icon. By sending an invoice, it is forwarded to the employee responsible for review.

Unknown Creditors

It may happen that there are invoices in the coding queue with unrecognized creditors. By using the "Unknown Creditors" button, you can perform creditor recognition again for these invoices. This may populate the creditor, if recognized.

Import Relationships

From the "Coding" section, you can also run a (web service) import for relationships. This can be useful if there are invoices in the coding queue where the relationship is not recognized. After importing (new) relationships, it's a good idea to perform the "Unknown Creditors" action so that the system can fill them in for invoices where no relationship was recognized.

Missing Entry Numbers

With this function, you can quickly see which document numbers are missing (per administration). Missing document numbers can occur if invoices have been deleted from the "Coding" section because they were double-booked, for example.

Verification Report

The verification report generates an overview of all invoices in the coding queue with the "To Send" status. You can use this report to verify whether all invoices to be sent are indeed ready to be processed. If this is the case, you can select all these invoices at once by checking the "Status" box.

CSV/Excel Export

These exports generate an overview of the (selected) invoices in the coding section.

Generate PDF

This export creates a PDF of the (selected) invoices in the coding section.

More Actions

Show PDF file and Encoding

This generates a PDF of the current coding of the invoice and the corresponding PDF invoice.

Definitely disapprove

This allows you to permanently disapprove the invoice without needing to open it.


This allows you to delete the invoice. Note that this may result in missing document numbers in the document number sequence. The missing document numbers are displayed in the "Check Document Numbers" section.

Rerun Text/XML Recognition

If the relationship or certain coding fields are not recognized, you can use this option to rerun text recognition. You can use this if you have updated creditor data to improve creditor recognition on the PDF, or if you have added/updated an XML mapping for an XML invoice.

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