Export entries and periods

Export entries and periods

In the "Export" menu section, you'll find an overview of all periods of books that are ready to be exported. Here, you can export the booking details of a period to your financial package. A period will only be displayed in this menu section after the cash clerk has closed the period. Depending on the settings of the book, it may first be offered for assessment to a cash supervisor. In that case, the period will only be offered for export after the cash supervisor has approved it. You can filter the overview by using the selection criteria on the left.

Did you try to export a book and have you received an error message? Please refer to this page where we have multiple articles about commonly used financial packages with information about export errors and how to resolve them.

Exporting Periods

To export one or more periods of one or more books, check the book and click on "Export" at the top of the overview.

It's also possible to export a single period by clicking on the arrow on the right side of a row. By clicking on the "magnifying glass icon," you can view the period. This will take you to the booking overview, where you can also reopen the period.

When you're exporting a book, you have the option to assign an alternative period to the transactions you're exporting. If you want to keep the current period assignment, leave the option on "Yes." If you want to change the period (for example, because the period in your financial package has already been closed), choose "No" and specify the desired period. Then the "adjustment method" field will appear. Here, you can indicate which transactions the period adjustment applies to. Selecting "All" will convert all transactions from this export to the specified period. If you choose "Only older," only transactions older than the specified period will be converted. For example, if you select "July," all transactions older than July will be converted to this period. Transactions after July will not be affected.

An Error Message During Export

There are different ways of exporting. For instance, after exporting, you might receive a download that needs to be manually imported into your financial package. It's also possible to export via an automatic web service connection. In the latter case, your financial package, such as Visma, Exact, or Twinfield, might return an error message during export. By downloading the export report, you can see what the error message is. To resolve the issue, something needs to be changed either in the respective period in the Spend Cloud or in the financial package. The error message often provides enough information to understand what change needs to be made.

Still having trouble? Contact our Support department (only for application administrators) for assistance.

If you receive an error message and the financial package has rejected the bookings, the period will automatically be reset and its status will be changed back to "ready for export."

Export Files

By clicking the "Export Files" button, you'll access an overview of all previously exported files. Depending on how the export file was compiled during export, a file can consist of one or more periods from one or more books.

At the end of each row, you'll find various action buttons.

Using the magnifying glass icon, you can get an overview of all bookings from the export file. You'll also find the "Download Export File" button at the end of the row. Here, you can download the export file. If your organization uses a web service, the export file will be automatically sent to the financial package. If not, you can save the file and then import it into the financial package.

By clicking on "Undo Export" in the dropdown list, you can undo an export. This will return the periods to the export overview.

Please note that undoing an export in the Spend Cloud doesn't affect changes in the financial package. Therefore, be cautious when undoing export files. If you've already imported the file into the financial package, duplicate bookings will occur during a second export. These bookings must be removed or reversed in the financial package first.

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